Contract Packaging
Contract Packaging Insurance Experts:
When something goes wrong with a product you packaged, the finger often gets pointed at you. You’d love to transfer the liability to your client, but the reality is you don’t have the leverage to negotiate without losing the client altogether, so what do you do when the finger’s pointed at you?
At Aleckson Insurance we’re veterans of product damage and product liability claims and the issues they present. We’ve seen the kinds of claims and recalls that occur in your industry and we’ll work to develop legal and insurance strategies that will help you and your business survive when a potential liability comes your way.
Specialized service for Contract Packagers:
Your unique contract packaging services are an integral part of your client’s business. The service you provide adds value for your clients, acting as a partner to ensure their products get to market on time, within spec, and within budget.
Does your insurance relationship add the same value to your business?
We’re the experts in Contract Packaging insurance coverage. We’ve spent years working with contract packagers and manufacturers so we understand your business and the challenges you face on a daily basis. We work closely with our clients through our process to deliver value where it’s needed most, and bring the resources to you that will have a true impact on your organization.
If you’re ready in an insurance relationship that will have a positive impact on your company, then tap into our experience in claims, contract issues, insurance and legal strategy by scheduling a meeting with our experts for an individual evaluation of your company’s risk management, insurance, legal protection and costs.
Become a client to take advantage of our specialized contract packaging insurance coverage, our industry changing service model and the resources our team brings to the table in preparing for and responding to claims.